It seems like a happy scene: girls and boys on the playground, swinging, sliding down a rickety metal slide and playing ball. But if you […]
Good Eating Lessons for the Homeless
Creativity and resourcefulness. This was Canada’s top chef’s answer to the question how homeless and at-risk youth could stretch their food budget. Basic year-round vegetables […]
Diversity among the homeless
Although homeless people are often considered as a homogeneous group facing the common problem, i.e. they lack a roof over their heads, often it is […]
Katie’s Krops
How can a 9 year old girl help 275 people? The right answer – by donating a 40 pound cabbage to the soup kitchen, where […]
Unseen Tours
Do you want to get a different view of the city? The view which is not presented in the guide books and travel portals? The […]
Sweet Miss Giving
Not for profit bakery provides community not only with delicious brownies, muffins and cookies, but most importantly, with opportunities. The homeless who need to get […]
Every Community Needs Cookies
One of the ways to fight homelessness is to start a cookie business. And this is exactly what Jason Mercado did when he went through […]
Operation Love Affair
A free flea market organized in New Haven for the homeless had several advantages. Firstly, it was a way to help out the community and […]
99 Year-Old Homeless Man Raises Money for Orphans
It is a story of compassion and care. When a person having almost nothing supports those who need help more than he does, it is […]
Life on street means freedom
Sometimes people chose to be homeless because of freedom. There is no one telling what to do, you don’t owe anybody anything and you work […]
Homeless Street Art
The artist Michael Aaron Williams draws attention to the homeless by creating street art. He puts his homeless street people in places where passersby could […]
Taste of homelessness designed to spur empathy
Around 40 participants in First Community Church’s Night Without a Home program learned more about what being homeless is all about. The program, held Saturday […]
Greatest Country – I think Not – Happy Friggin’ Birthday
Our congresspeople, especially Republicans and blue dogs, don’t want to hear about this problem — because their economic policy (drastically cutting all social programs) will […]
Moradores da Rua
Moradores da Rua Photography by Martijn Crowe
The combination of portability and quick assembly with the ability to create a commune of connecting shelters, makes InterShelter™ Domes ideal shelters for many situations. […]